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Before you arrive

FOSS will take place in Tucson AZ at the University of Arizona Bioscience Research Lab.

This is a restricted entry building. Please assemble in the lobby of the building, near the elevators, at 8:45 on the first morning.

The workshop will be run under a Code of Conduct. Please respect it and be excellent to each other!

About FOSS

Foundational Open Science Skills (FOSS) is a novel, camp-style training designed to prepare principal investigators and their lab teams, both new and established, to meet the growing expectations of funding agencies, publishers, and research institutions for scientific reproducibility and data accessibility.

The workshop will cover key concepts about open science: - Collaboration culture - Software essentials - Using CyVerse cyberinfrastructure - Data management - Cloud computing

FOSS Camp Goes Green

We encourage all FOSS Camp participants to help minimize our waste footprint. If possible, bring your own reusable beverage containers, such as coffee mugs and water bottles, to use during snack breaks. Public transportation from the venue to the 4th Ave. and Downtown districts is easy with Tuscson’s modern street car. TuGo bike rentals are available outside the building. Thanks in advance!

Who should attend?

The content of this workshop is targeted at new investigators who want to set up a lab following open science principles. However, experienced researchers who want to bring new ideas to their labs are welcome, as are post-docs who expect to be setting up a lab in the near future.

Workshop level

This workshop is focused on researchers with little to moderate experience in open science skills.

Need help?

Couldn’t find what you were looking for?

  • You can talk to any of the instructors or TAs if you need immediate help.
  • Chat with us on CyVerseFOSS Slack.
  • Post an issue on the documentation issue tracker on GitHub

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