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Introduction to R & RStudio


  1. You need to download R & RStudio:
  2. Move to the Applications folder.
  3. Open RStudio.

Go to Session -> Set Working Directory to set where you will pull data files from and/or save your code.


We will learn how to: - navigate & interact with R Studio

  • UI of R Studio
  • how to use “help”
  • install packages
  • upload data
  • data structures
    • strings, factors, numbers, integers
    • vectors & arrays
    • matrices & lists
  • explore data
    • data manipulation
    • data subsetting

R Studio makes using R programming language easier to interact with and to keep track of projects.

Data Structures

Types of Variables

Character - text that cannot have calculations done on them
e.g., “a”, “xyz”
Numeric - numerical values include decimals and can have calculations performed on them
e.g., 1, 1.5
Integer - whole numbers only, and can also have calculations performed on them
e.g., 2L (L stores it as an integer)

Logical - TRUE or FALSE


  1. What does the following return? What does it mean?
Try calculations on the following.
  1. What works and what doesn’t? Why or why not?
Errors v. Warnings:
Errors are given when R cannot perform the calculation Warnings mean that the function has run but perhaps with some issues.

Storing Variables

We can assign any of the types of data above in a “place holder”. Variables are assignee using “<-“.

For example, we can store the number 10 in a letter to use later

a <- 10

NOTE Do not create variables that are already functions or arguments (e.g., c, T, F). NOTE Do not overwrite variables.


  1. What does a*2 give you?


Vectors are 1-D object that contain “like” data types. You can create a string of variables and add to a vector using c(), which is short for concatenate.


  1. What are the outputs of the code below?
  2. Create your own vector using the vector() function.
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
y <- 1:5
z <- seq(1, 5, 1)
  1. Are x, y, and z all the same structure? If not, how would you make them all the same?

Adding to vectors: the concatenate function: c()

d <- 1
d <- c(d, 2)
Try adding two to every numer in the vector “x”.
  1. How do you add two to every number in x?

What happens what you add a character to a vector?

ATOMIC VECTORS are vectors which cannot be simplified anymore, and therefore “$” cannot be used on them. Yes, this error happens a lot. Yes, it is frustrating. Good luck.

Matrices & Dataframes

A matrix and a dataframe are both 2-D objects that are made up of vectors.

Creating a dataframe using data.frame()


  1. Play with the different types of data in the data.frame(). What happens?

You can combine dataframes:

hello <- data.frame (1:26, letters, words = c("hey", "you"))
hi <- data.frame(1:26, letters, c("hey", "you"))
howdy <- data.frame(hello, hi)

How do you name the column with the numbers 1-26?

What are the column headers? What happends when you do the following?

Adding columns and rows using cbind() and rbind()

cbind(hello, "goodbye")

We can call columns using $ in the form of data.frame$column or call them using the modifier data.frame[row#, column#]

Calling columns:

hello[,2] #[] are like an index


Useful Functions to explore data types

View()  #can also double click on dataframe inside the R environment tab
attributes() #can also click on dataframe inside the R environment tab


  1. What is the output?

Likewise, columns and rows can be removed using “-” as a modifier

You can save a dataframe using write.table() and write.csv().

NOTE do not overwrite your dataset!!

If you rerun a script, you may overwrite your results or new data. Put a “#” after use!

The R Environment

You can view your environment either by looking at the upper left tab or by typing the following:

ls() #see variables in your environment

You can remove objects using the rm() function.


  1. How would you remove “a” from the environment? How would you check?

Exploring Data

Data Manipulation

Create the following dataframe:

cats <- data.frame(coat = c("calico", "black", "tabby"),
            weight = c(2.1, 5.0,3.2),
            likes_string = c(1, 0, 1))

Let’s add!

cats$weight + 2
cats$coat + cats$coat

What are the outputs?

We can use the function “paste” to make more complex strings:

paste("My cat is", cats$coat)

What is the output?

Subsetting Data


  1. What is the function for subsetting data?
  2. What are the outputs?
x <- c(a=5.4, b=6.2, c=7.1, d=4.8, e=7.5) # we can name a vector 'on the fly'
#x is a vector
x[names(x) == "a"]
x[names(x) == "a" | "c"]
x[names(x) != "a"]


Can run terminal in RStudio. This is useful if you want to run a program and still be able to use R, or if you need dependencies. Also, the terminal does not interact with the R environment.

Tools –> Terminal –> New Terminal